5 Digital Marketing Strategies For Doctors & Clinics. Should Know

So how can you start digital marketing for your clinic while staying within the guidelines of the government?

Hi, my name is MD Junaid, and let’s find out. Firstly all the strategies that I am going to discuss in today’s Article are as per the guidelines of the government so you don’t have to worry about accidentally breaking any of the laws and strategies that are discussed in today’s article come after analyzing the various strategies discussed on other YouTube videos and going through numerous blogs which talk about digital marketing for clinics and doctors so stay till the end of this article. to know the 5 best digital marketing strategies for doctors and clinics.

Be found to your parents

1. Be Found by your Patients

There are thousands of people looking for a good doctor in your own area, but you need to be on the Internet to be found by them. the best way to cater to such people located in your phone area is by registering on listening platforms, like Google my business and Just Dial, these are some common listing platforms that are available for every business out there but as a doctor, you have to register on special websites that are made especially for doctors and clinic owners like you.

such websites are Practo, Refer doc, and many others this will help the local customers in your area to know about your clinic, your timing, your expertise, and your degree, and also check out the reviews and the star ratings given by your existing patients. Make sure all these details are updated on your profile and also try to use some keywords related to doctors in such listing platforms as when someone searches for doctors near me your listing Profile should come up first.

2. SEO and Content

There are many people out there who end up googling their symptoms before they feel the absolute need to consult a doctor. And that’s where your golden opportunity lies. What you can do is place your expertise right in front of these people and how can you do that – by creating blogs and YouTube videos on topics that people are searching for you can use tools like Google keyword planner or uber suggest to find out the terms that are commonly searched for or as you call it as keywords in the language of digital marketing.

and then use SEO techniques to rank your content piece higher on search results. You can leave your contact details in such blogs and YouTube videos for people who want to consult you for their problems. by the way,

3. Reviews and Testimonials

imagine you are planning an international trip. Wouldn’t you ask your friends? family members or even call colleagues who have been abroad? Of course, Yes and that’s exactly what people do when they consult a doctor.

They look around for reviews and feedback regarding your clinics or your services, think about it what’s a better way to gain someone’s trust a patient saying that your service genuinely helped them cure a particular disease or a poster that says I am the best doctor.

of course a genuine review right? so try and ask your patients to share the reviews and feedback about your services on your website Google my listing platform or any other platforms that you are a part of,

you can also try a before and after kind of video or a normal testimonial video where a patient is talking about his experience with you after which you can use this videos photos or reviews as a part of your marketing communication. this technique works really well for all doctors as it’s been used since the days of traditional marketing. not just this,

you can even encourage your existing customers to refer you to new patients or their family members, by the way, the next strategy the recommendation that we are going to discuss is very important.

Use digital tools

4. Use Digital Tools

As a doctor, It’s really important for you to know every detail about your patient even before you start treating them especially if your patient’s family doctor, you need to have their personal medical history.

And also this family’s medical history you should start creating electronic health records also known as EHR. Such EHR must include data like age, gender, past medical records, last prescribed medicine, and other such details.

but don’t just stop there use a CRM tool to get out of the data you have collected a CRM tool can help you send automated emails or even WhatsApp messages regarding various details like upcoming check updates and also tests and reports which are to be done.

Digital marketing for doctors

5. webinars and free online health checkups

Conducting free seminars and running free health check-up camps is not a new thing when it comes to the Healthcare industry, but now you have to do the same in an online format, you can conduct a webinar where you talk about some uncommon diseases and spread awareness around the same even talk about some symptoms,

basic remedies and also precautionary actions that one can take during such diseases at the end of such sessions, you can share your contact details for people who want to consult you personally for their problems you can also provide free basic video consultation to patients after which you can encourage them to visit your clinic.

if they wish to continue the treatment. These are some of the strategies that you can start with by staying within the guidelines of the government, but being a doctor it’s your responsibility to only share genuine and reliable health advice so try  to keep a quality check on the content,

Even though your digital marketing team Is carrying out such strategies also let us know in the comments below if we have missed out on any interest in digital marketing strategies for doctors and clinics

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