Best Digital Business Ideas for Marketing Grads

Digital business ideas

When I think about the latest tech trends, I feel like everyone is working on automating, efficiently, or creating a new marketing platform. Marketing has evolved in every way. We have some commute places and complicated directions. Social media alone can channel your brand reputation to uplift or smash you down the street with the wrong virus.

Then come your tech trends like artificial intelligence, data-driven marketing, search engine optimization, and content marketing pioneer. There are many things to know and one for everyone to be a master.

Every business should be present with the digital marketing trend. Today’s businesses need to stay competitive in today’s internet world. It must adapt to the rapidly evolving changes in marketing trends. Everything is driven by technology. How can marketing graduates break away from digital friendship?

We will talk about business ideas for marketing grads.

Artificial intelligence for Digital Business

How can we miss this trend for marketing graduates? Artificial intelligence is a blessing. It makes marketing ideas more intense. Marketing graduates can be an implementer of marketing artificial intelligence.
What is the benefit for you:

Now, who will tell which tech team you’re looking for for a couple with young children, a newly married couple, a single father, or spending capacity for single-use cases? Technology can make it work, but marketing will give the right direction.

Try to be the jack of artificial intelligence, the master of creating business use cases. A strategy that will expand the business.

Some of the recent trends for marketing graduates to use artificial intelligence are:

  • correct communication
  • Product Recommendations
  • Email customization
  • e-commerce transactions
  • Create content

chatbots for Digital Business

The passive is better than the actor in the heads of the new buyer. Millennials, Alpha Generations, and Z Generations all prefer the passive contact of someone who takes a call with them and asks if they need a loan or if they are looking to buy a travel voucher. The passive voice plays best in an individual’s head. Don’t be as surprised by the potential buyer’s mind as by late-night phone shopping.

Make a strip on social media based on the demographic information of the individuals and gradually get them to connect with the chatbot. Create curiosity, build desire and push it to buy.
What’s in for you

Chatbot platforms come with NLP, AI, and RPA technology built in, and marketing needs drive strategy. Marketing graduates can program the what-if and what should be a message into a robot and create a selling scenario.

The tech team can make it work, and marketing ideas can drive the conversation. There is scope for getting sales through passive communication. The best part of it can be scaled easily.

A chatbot can also be conversational marketing. Here’s the idea:

Content Marketing with SEO for Digital Business

Content plays a vital role in today’s marketing world. SEO is designed to read online content, more content can get a better ranking for your page. A better ranking can result in web searches and clicks on your website.

Search for the best resort in Bali, you will not get the list of resorts but you will get hotel booking sites like or because they either pay to be on top of the search list or they improve their SEO.

Marketing graduates can be great content writers, but they need to know the essence of SEO in order to be better researched than just being a writer.
What’s in for you

Learn how to write relevant content about today’s search trends. If you only write about your product and its features, people will never find you. But if you are writing a content connection to the current scenario, there is a chance that people will come to your page.

It is technically very easy to write content about SEO. Learn and be the hero in this business.

Automation for Digital Business

Learning to automate will help you be in the right direction. Imagine that you are consulting a fashion brand and they create content to post on different platforms like FB, Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp, and many more. Creating and publishing content on different platforms is human and time-consuming work. It takes a person to do this.

Unlike if you implement RPA to do this, humans will monitor and the bot will do your job.
what’s yours

No company wants to expand based on the increase in expenses. Manpower is expensive and anything robots can do will help companies reduce costs yet be effective.

Marketing graduates can learn plug-and-play to configure RPA in this line and start their business around digital.

read more Why Digital Marketing Is Important in Today’s business- 5 Reasons

  • Personalization
  • Video Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • social messaging app
  • visual search
  • Social media and shoppable posts
  • Omnichannel Marketing
  • geofence

Adopting truly new digital trends will lead to better performance of your marketing efforts. These digital ideas require learning and adaptation. Feel free to comment on your opinion of the digital age.

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